Tuesday, January 20, 2009

BEGANI SHAADI.............

Finally OBAMA Sworn in, He is new president of USA. Now what we are getting from him, as we sung like cannery all thru the process from his campaign to Swearing in ceremony, Even some Indian’s had written songs on his praise. We are living in a great country, where we care for every thing else other than our own issues. We are ready to dance on any wedding even without invited. Whole of the Media was hooked to cover every moment of President, what he talks, how he walks….. The sensible news is missing from the media since quite long. As an Indian citizen I failed to understand how does it matter for me if US elects its first “BLACK PRESIDENT”? Are we finding ourselves in the same league (“BLACK”). US / UK fumbles on the issue of PAK sponsored terrorism and we are following them like Sheep. I am not biased with Mr. Obama but I don’t know why we are crowning a country’s (read US) president as King of the World.

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